Ryan's Personal Fitness Program

My Goals

Step 1-Desire

I would like to improve my  cardiovascular endurance.

Step 2-Belief

Because I take coach bray's class and I know that I can improve my cardiovascular.

Step 3-Analyze where you are

I ran my mile in 12.00 mins.

Step 4-Set Realistic Goals

I want to run a mile  in 10 mins by May 13,2011.

Step 5-Write your goals in details

I plan to reach my goal by exercising 5 times a week  upper and lower body.

Step 6 - List the Benefits You Will Receive
Working out will  prevent me from many diseases.

Step 7- Indentify Obstacles

Obstacles I may face will be chips,cookies and food with high calories.

Step 8-Indentify Knowledge You will Need

I will need to know more ways to have a better cardiovascular endurance.

Step 9 - Make a Plan of Action

I will work out 5 times a day and bench press.

Step 10-Develop a Timeline

It will take me a month in a half to reach my long term goal.I will work out daily,and jog for a longer amount of time  each day.

Step 11- Monitor your progress

 Every week I will run more and check to see if my reaction time is better than before.

Step 12-Never Give Up

Listening to my music and thinking about firefighter academy keeps me motivated.