Ryan's Personal Fitness Program

                                                                                            "Components of Fitness"

                                                                                                                                " Guided Questions"

          1.What is the difference between health-related and skill related physical fitness?

         1.     The difference between health related and skill related fitness is that health related prevents many diseases and will help you become a healthier person in life. Skill related is basically your flexibilty and the amount of activities your body can perform in a short amount of time.            
  2. What are the health-related components of physical Fitness?                                 
- Flexibility

- Cardiovascular Endurance

- Muscular Strength

- Muscular Endurance

- Body Composition

3. What are the skill-related components of physical fitness?                                                                                                     
         1.  Agility
        2.  Balance
        3.  Coordination
        4.  Power
        5.  Reaction Time
        6.  Speed

4. Why does a person not have to be a good athlete to be physically fit?
     Because some athletes are unhealthy and they can still workout.

5. Why is it important to know your current level of  health-related fitness?
Because you need to know how much body fat you need to burn off and know how healthy you are at this point.